ICS "Modugno-Galilei"
The Istituto Comprensivo ' Modugno-Galilei' is a comprehensive school located in the centre ofMonopoli, a town in the province of Bari in Apulia,Italy.
The Istituto Comprensivo ' Modugno-Galilei' is a comprehensive school located in the centre ofMonopoli, a town in the province of Bari in Apulia,Italy It is attended by pupils ( about 1000) comingfrom the neighborhood. It includes 3 complexes of kindergarten, 1 for primary school (children from 6to 10) and one for junior high school (students from 11 to 14).The teachers are about 200. The juniorhigh school offers regular courses and musical courses, in fact students can choose among eightdifferent instruments: cello, piano, guitar, flute, violin, clarinet, accordion, trumpet. The instrumentlessons take place in the afternoon. The school is provided with an orchestra and a choir includingstudents from different ages. All the students learn English as a foreign language and can choosebetween French and Spanish as second foreign language. The school offers the possibility to attendcourses to pass English exams for Trinity and Cambridge certifications.The school has also takenpart in two Comenius projects and one eTwinning project.The last two years we took part in theproject "Educhannge" , the hosting at school of young volunteers from Russia, Georgia and Pakistangave our students an extraordinary cultural opportunity. Many extra-curricular activities are based onacting, science, art, computer technology are also provided. We have won prizes , also at nationallevel, for art,music and especially for the plays. We are an ITC school ,using it in the daily metodologyin each class and having a computer class, too.With this project the school will have a more chanceto develope these skills of the students, learning to use new technological tools and the teachers willcompare and extend their ITC knowledges and teaching metodologies ,too Our school is alsoengaged in the integration of students with special needs following a special programme andfollowed by specialized teachers . Since some years we have also suitable courses for immigrantstudents, especially from China and Albania, which are also well included in the school community.This variety of activities , our experience of cultural exchanges with other countries and the musicalcourses allow the school to face the different parts of the project . But although our school offers a lotof opportunities to our students to grow up, they always look lost in a word full of technology andinclusion of people from other countries, living on the mediterranean coasts. So they need to becomeEuropean citizens being part of all ,respecting themselves, the others and the world. This project willhave a positive impact on the students, helping them to redescover their culture through music, anessential part of themselves, but also for their families and people in contact with them. In Erasmusteam there are coordinator Tournier Francesca , English teacher Pavone Mariella, Technologyteacher Giuseppe Francolino and music teacher Giovanni Lenoci, member of headteacher staff.